ATG Title Blog

witholding in real estate when buying and selling a house
House Buying Tips

How to Know if You’re Responsible for Withholding & By How Much

When you are buying a home from a seller who is considered a non-resident (someone that lives in another state but is selling a property …

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commercial title insurance

Commercial Title Insurance is Different Than Residential & Vital

The biggest difference between residential and commercial title insurance is that commercial title insurance needs to be extra certain that the land purchased is able …

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property disclosure lawsuits in real estate
Managing a Real Estate Business

How to Protect Yourself From Disclosure Lawsuits as an Agent

This post was fact checked by Lisa Rogers, Principal Attorney at Ark Attorneys. Real estate agents, like you, can be a target for disclosure lawsuits …

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workflow and productivity tips for real estate agents
Managing a Real Estate Business

5 Workflow & Productivity Tips for Agents During Busy Season

When the summer rush starts, busy season doesn’t have to stress you out. By planning ahead, automating manual tasks, and finding affordable help, you can …

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what a notary signing agent is and their role
ATG Title News

What a Notary Signing Agent Is and What They Do

A notary signing agent (NSA) is a person that handles loan documents on behalf of an individual or company.  These agents are an essential part …

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build to rent
Real Estate Investing

What Build to Rent Means & How it Works for Investing

Build to rent (BTR) is a real estate investing strategy where a real estate investor or company purchases land to build a single or multiple …

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durable power of attorney in real estate

Durable POA & Real Estate – Everything You Need to Know

This content has been fact checked by Lisa Rogers, Principal Attorney + Partner at ARK Attorneys.  An ATG Title brand. A Durable Power of Attorney …

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5 Steps to Create a Real Estate Agent Lead to Sale Funnel
Real Estate Investing

5 Steps to Create a Real Estate Agent Lead to Sale Funnel

Are you struggling turning website leads into sales, or listing visitors into buyers?  We can help.  Whether you have a property you’re trying to move, …

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tenancy in common
House Buying Tips

What is Tenancy in Common?

Tenancy in common (TIC) is a form of property ownership where two or more parties hold a title to a property and share ownership rights.  …

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