Hope Teller

How Stratified Real Estate Markets Impact Buyers & Sellers

Stratified Real Estate Markets – How They Impact Buyers & Sellers

Stratified real estate markets may sound confusing, but don’t let terms like stratification scare you.  It is simply taking an area like a city or region and dividing it out into similar or equal sections.  For real estate, you can take a city or neighborhood and break it out by the value of houses or …

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Do You Need Homeowner’s and Title Insurance Policies

Do You Need Homeowner’s and Title Insurance Policies?

When buying a home, whether it’s your first or third, you’ll be asked if you want a title insurance policy, and probably be looking at homeowner’s insurance policies too.  Although they may sound the same, especially both the lender’s and owner’s title insurance when combined with the homeowner’s insurance, they each serve very different purposes. …

Do You Need Homeowner’s and Title Insurance Policies? Read More »

turn real estate photos into home buyer leads

How to Optimize Your Real Estate Listing Photos to Drive More Leads

Bringing people to your website or to your property listing is hard enough.  You have to do marketing, pay for ads in local papers or magazines, and also spend your own time and money on digital platforms like Facebook and Google just to get a buyer lead.  After all this work, have you wondered if …

How to Optimize Your Real Estate Listing Photos to Drive More Leads Read More »

Title Company vs Settlement Agent Difference

Title Company vs Settlement Agent, What’s The Difference

When buying a home or new property, you’ll be working with both a title company and a settlement agent.  Both sound similar, or that there isn’t much of a difference between their responsibilities when it comes to a title company vs a settlement agent, but both of them have very different responsibilities during the house …

Title Company vs Settlement Agent, What’s The Difference Read More »

underwriters and buying a house

Why You’ll Meet 2 Underwriters When Buying a House & What They Do to Help.

When you’re closing on a home you’re already expecting mountains of paperwork, confusing contracts that will be presented in legal jargon, and a lot of people asking you to sign things. Some of these people may have titles and work for companies you have never heard of, and that is where closings can get a …

Why You’ll Meet 2 Underwriters When Buying a House & What They Do to Help. Read More »